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What is Pharyngitis?

What is Pharyngitis?

It is usually an infectious disease that causes inflammation in the throat. This disease can be triggered by viruses or bacteria and is often associated with the common cold. Pharyngitis can present itself with symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. The answer to the question of what is pharyngitis is this inflammation that occurs as a result of an infection in the throat. What is Pharyngitis and What are its Symptoms? Pharyngitis is a disorder that occurs as a result of inflammation in the throat. This condition usually affects the upper…

What is Scarlet Fever?

What is Scarlet Fever?

It is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus bacteria. It is especially seen in children and occurs with symptoms such as sore throat, fever, headache and skin rashes. The disease is accompanied by red rashes that are seen widely on the body. Scarlet fever is contagious and usually spreads by droplets. It can be easily cured with antibiotic treatment, but it can cause complications if left untreated. What are the Symptoms of Scarlet Fever? Sudden onset of severe sore throat, the disease…

What is Bronchitis?

What is Bronchitis?

It is a respiratory disease caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. These tubes are thin tubes that produce mucus that cleans the airways. In response to the question of what is bronchitis, when these tubes become inflamed, they narrow, swell, and produce more mucus. The disease comes in two main types: chronic and acute. What is Bronchitis? Symptoms It is a respiratory disease caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. These tubes…

Middle Ear Infection

Middle Ear Infection

It is an infection in the middle ear. It is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Fluid accumulates in the space behind the eardrum. Otitis media can cause pain and hearing loss. It is mostly seen in children. Untreated infection can cause hearing problems. Early treatment is important. Antibiotics or painkillers can be used with the doctor's recommendation. What are the Symptoms of Otitis Media? Earache is the most common symptom. Pain, a feeling of pressure in the ear...

Treatment of Allergic Cough in Children

Treatment of Allergic Cough in Children

Allergic cough in children usually occurs as a result of exposure to allergens (dust, pollen, animal dander, etc.). Allergic cough treatment in children aims to relieve symptoms and reduce contact with allergens. Allergic Cough Treatment Methods and Symptoms in Children Allergic cough in children is a condition that is usually triggered by environmental allergens. Allergens can be pollen, dust, animal dander, or mold spores. To learn about the symptoms and treatment methods of this condition…

Homeopathy for Babies and Children

Homeopathy for Babies and Children

Homeopathy is a method that provides permanent treatment in a natural, side-effect-free and holistic way. It is formed by combining the words “homeo” (similar) and “pathos” (disease). If a substance causes symptoms similar to the disease in a healthy person when given to that person, that substance is used in the treatment of that disease. Organisms have the ability to respond to stimuli, reproduce, grow and develop, and maintain homeostasis (a balanced internal environment). According to WHO, health is…

The Miracle of Breast Milk

The Miracle of Breast Milk

The most important feature of breast milk composition is that it changes according to the baby's age and condition. With the superiority of the amount and bioavailability of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids it contains, breast milk is a living liquid that can meet all the needs of babies for the first six months. Continuing breast milk with additional nutrients after the sixth month and continuing breastfeeding until the end of the second year of life provides countless benefits for the baby...

How is Homeopathy Performed?

How is Homeopathy Performed?

Homeopathy is basically a treatment method based on taking very low doses of a substance that causes a certain disease. This method works on the principle that like heals like. How is homeopathy done? It is done by diluting the active ingredients in a solvent such as water or alcohol and shaking them. What is homeopathy? What is homeopathy? It is an alternative medicine method used in the treatment of certain diseases. Its basic principle can be summarized as like heals like. This is the principle that a substance…